Private Pilot License
Obtaining a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) can be a very rewarding accomplishment. Flying all by yourself, taking friends and family, using an airplane instead of a car when going on a trip for either fun or business.
Cirrus Instruction Europe provides training for the EASA and FAA PPL on Cirrus aircraft. Using a syllabus developed by Cirrus Instruction Europe, we will take you from your first flight all the way to the passing of the EASA or FAA flight test in a short period of time. If you own a Cirrus airplane, we can use that; otherwise, we can use one of our Cirrus aircraft.
We are an EASA DTO (Declared Training Organization) and are authorized to provide EASA PPL (A) as well as Night VFR trainings.
We are also authorized to provide training for the EASA CBIR instrument rating (competency based). For the EASA CBIR, we use the EASA approved Alsim simulator. Up to 25 hours of training for the CBIR can be accomplished in the simulator, resulting in significant cost savings.
Cirrus Instruction Europe facilitates PPL training courses, taking advantage of a duly tested and approved Syllabus helping you to obtain the FAA license. This goal can be achieved quicker than you might have thought. Training can be done on your own Cirrus or one of our Cirrus airplanes.
Please discuss with us what would be most beneficial for you: EASA or FAA route. There are advantages and disadvantages related to both routes depending on your goals and your expectations